
The Elephant in the Room

Kelsey Sabo, as a Peace Corps volunteer in Uganda from 2014-18, began to notice the roughly one-week, unexplained, undiscussed absences of...
On the Pulse | 11/09/22

Extra-Special Delivery

Tatiana Gallego was born to work at St. Joseph’s University Medical Center in Paterson, NJ. It’s where she came into this world, one...
United States of Nursing | 10/08/22

Johns Hopkins Nursing Giants to Retire

Future faculty will stand on their shoulders Four revered members of the faculty at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) will retire...
On the Pulse | 04/29/21

Position of Strength

After decades of globetrotting, JHSON alumna Pandora Hardtman joins Jhpiego as nursing and midwifery officer By Maryalice Yakutchik...
JH Nurse | 04/29/21

The Anatomy of a Hopkins Nurse

Illustrations by Dan Matutina If nursing were a body, its brain would be leadership, flexibility, and creativity. Its heart would be...
Features | 11/16/20