To Give and to Receive

As a clinical nurse specialist with the Incompatible Kidney Transplant Program at The Johns...
JH Nurse | 11/26/14

Other Lives: A Serious Role

Steve Sawicki, RN, isn’t big on soliloquys, at least not when it comes to his regular...
JH Nurse | 11/26/14

Care Team Knows the Score

When it comes to the nurse or doctor on duty, “Guess Who” is about the last game a...
JH Nurse | 11/26/14

A Time to Refocus

To Anna Ferguson, RN, BSN, hopelessness is one of the cruelest symptoms of a terminal...
JH Nurse | 11/26/14

Other Lives: From Swamp to Surplus

In a soggy patch, an answer to community hunger takes root Sometimes the solution to a problem is right under one’s nose. Or, in the...
JH Nurse | 07/23/14

Here's to a Speedy Recovery

ERAS protocols empower nurses and improve patient’s journey Checkered flags line the hallways of Surgical Oncology’s Marburg 2,...
JH Nurse | 07/23/14

Here’s to a Speedy Recovery

ERAS protocols empower nurses and improve patient’s journey Checkered flags line the hallways of Surgical Oncology’s Marburg 2,...
JH Nurse | 07/23/14