Post Archive

Meg, MSN/MPH student, BS '12


Since about the 6th grade, it’s been cool to hate uniforms. School uniforms, sports uniforms—whatever it was, you were expected to...
On the Pulse | 09/28/10

Baltimore Top Ten

A look at some of the best Baltimore has to offer, from the iconic to the...
On the Pulse | 09/22/10

Perceptions of Security

It’s the day after the shootings at the Johns Hopkins Hospital triggered a complex-wide lockdown and made national news, and I’m...
On the Pulse | 09/17/10


When faced with someone needing medical attention, my predominate (pre-nursing) emotion has been “helpless.” Health-care skills always...
On the Pulse | 09/12/10


Some people prepare for an intense semester by reading ahead, or making flashcards. I prepare by systematically baking, labeling, and...
On the Pulse | 09/07/10

Jumping In

Starting at a new school—any school—is a turbulent whirlwind of forms and booklists, new schedules and new buildings. There are logins...
On the Pulse | 08/29/10