Post Archive

Meg, MSN/MPH student, BS '12

A Day in the OR

I am just now realizing that I've been talking about "hospital nursing" as if it's this monochromatic, homogenous thing. Turns out it's...
On the Pulse | 02/11/11

Health in Translation

Translation can be a very tricky thing. It’s not enough to be simply bilingual; there’s a real professional art to communicating...
On the Pulse | 02/05/11

Back for More

For those of us in the Traditional BSN program, our six weeks of winter break—whole acres of free time—are coming to a close tomorrow....
On the Pulse | 01/23/11

Taking My Time

One of the luxuries of being a student nurse is how much time you can take with patients. Sure, there’s a lot of running around—my feet...
On the Pulse | 11/18/10


“Non-Compliant” seems, at first glance, to be a fairly straightforward idea—a patient who doesn’t follow the instructions given to...
On the Pulse | 10/17/10