Wisdom and White Coats

There’s nothing like that new coat smell! Ah, Thursday night’s White Coat Ceremony brought that and more as a new cohort pledged to honor all that we stand for as Hopkins Nurses. Words to live and serve by:

Nightingale Pledge (adapted by Beverly Hanson OMalley, RN)

As I enter the nursing profession I pledge to:

Use all the knowledge, skills, and understanding that I possess when providing professional nursing care.

Deliver nursing care non-judgmentally to all those who require it, to the best of my ability.

Refrain from any action which might be harmful to the quality of life or health of those I care for.

Treat each client with respect.

Hold in professional confidence all the personal information entrusted to me.

Keep my professional knowledge and skills at the highest level; give my support and cooperation to all members of the health care team.

Contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.

Maintain my nursing practice in accordance with the professional nursing standards required for my profession.

(Cool fact: A National Nurses Week sponsorship drive provided the white coats on students’ backs, with 138 sponsors donating a total of $9,370, more than half of which came from students, staff, and faculty. Also represented were alumni from 1954-2017.)

Next up, the Lighting of the Lamp next Wednesday, September 6. This event also celebrates a commitment to nursing by students and faculty alike. Watch for photos here at On the Pulse.

Welcome to all students, new and returning. And away we go!