Help Is on the Way

Center for Infectious Disease and Nursing Innovation raises its voice, profile, and presence CIDNI cannot be everywhere, but it’s...
Features | 11/09/22

Global Heroes

Where inequality threatens, you will find them. When injustice looms, they’ll be there. Wherever people are in need of health care, you...
Past Issues | 04/08/13

TB kills

The last month has been really productive (read exhausting), fun, sad, interesting and frustrating but mostly wonderful and rewarding. I...
On the Pulse | 08/13/11

Data collection underway…..

A couple weeks ago, I drove to Tugela Ferry to visit a South African nurse friend/colleague who is working there. Tugela Ferry is a small...
On the Pulse | 07/16/11

And I’m off……

I’m off to South Africa to begin my dissertation research. I will be in KwaZulu-Natal Province for the next 2 months collecting data on...
On the Pulse | 06/30/11