
Getting My Statistics “Sea Legs”

Now that my official title is PhD Candidate—as opposed to PhD Student—I’m diving into the data and beginning the analysis phase of my...
On the Pulse | 09/20/16

Dissertation Dissemination

By Paula Nersesian, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing PhD candidate It was not my intent to spark intellectual curiosity outside my academic...
Students | 03/18/16

And I’m off……

I’m off to South Africa to begin my dissertation research. I will be in KwaZulu-Natal Province for the next 2 months collecting data on...
On the Pulse | 06/30/11

Doctoral Partnerships Go Global

International Students Present Dissertation Proposals at Hopkins by Jon Eichberger Nursing collaborations, sexual trauma, schizophrenia,...
On the Pulse | 03/28/11