Post Archive


Welcome Arrival

Amid all of the uncertainty, upset, and genuine danger of the COVID-19 outbreak, the excitement over a new issue of Johns Hopkins Nursing...
Features | 04/14/20

A Wonderful School of Nursing Inspired Me

My name is Mary Treacy. I am a retired registered nurse living in California. I am writing to thank you for having such a wonderful school...
On the Pulse | 04/14/20

Self-Efficacy to Cope with Coronavirus

By: Melissa Hladek, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC Just describing this time as “difficult” feels strangely inadequate.  It’s the big things like...
On the Pulse | 04/09/20

#ItCantWait: Write to Your Representative

#ItCantWait: On World Health Day 2020, get involved. We must empower nurses now with full practice authority to strengthen healthcare and...
On the Pulse | 04/07/20


As the Coronavirus pandemic has clearly demonstrated, nurses provide the bulk of care and assume the brunt of the danger that comes with...
On the Pulse | 04/01/20